TIME BASED COMPETITION The most valuable part of our lives is where we put our time. With loved ones, or getting things done at work or being entertained where we...
Picking up where we left off. What is the code that makes up Silicon Valley? It is a Narrative that has been covered by many over the years. There are...
After walking around the hills of Silicon Valley I came to the conclusion that I have experienced so many things through my several decades n the area that might be...
The biggest driver of what is going on in our society is based on the challenges technology pose to our way of living our lives and those that struggle...
Technology is moving too fast for government to set policy, creating grave challenges. In spending a good deal of my career helping deliver several generations of technology as Moore’s Law...
In my last post I mentioned that I am starting this blog to engage in conversation with any of you who would share your reflections of what was going on,...
At times it is important to mark time. Today is August 18, 2018, around 18 years since the founding of Outhink. This is the first of a series to hopefully...