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I’ve been gone the last few weeks traveling around Europe having a great time exploring the countryside, the lakeside areas, and gave me a chance to consider a number of things, things about what a slice of Silicon Valley means.
On my last day I had a meeting with some folks that were asking me if I could help bring a slice of Silicon Valley to Germany. Interesting. It gets you thinking about what is it. It’s complex and it has a number of different layers. I never thought I’d be telling this story as I’d lived here for decades, and a number of times I felt that it was so thick and how it evolved that sometimes it can be cumbersome.
This year marks a few anniversaries. One is a 50th anniversary of the company my father started called GaSonics. He was a pioneer at Fairchild Semiconductor, and 50 years ago this year, he started the company GaSonics. This company helped power the economy for the last 50 years after that. It turns out it’s been 20 years since I founded a firm I call Outhink. At that time I was hired by the CEO of intel to build a 20-year vision for him with his team. He gave it at Oracle World 20 years ago now. It was representing how the Internet should be something from the edge in rather than from the center out.
We did a lot of work over the years. I don’t like the term Web3, but in different ways in which people can connect and get things done. So when you talk about a slice of Silicon Valley, it really starts as it did with GaSonics, the company I mentioned earlier, is understanding the customer and the challenges that customer has with technology moving faster than we can adapt to it. The adoption of that is really a challenge, one that we haven’t really well addressed. It occupies too many distractions for us.
Hopefully as we explore slices of Silicon Valley, we’ll surface ways for people to reconsider how they’ve been looking at this and hopefully find a way to better connect, do things, and have more time in their lives to do the things they want to do.