A Slice of Silicon Valley – Season 1, Episode 15

People struggle with finding new solutions to solve problems. Look at the solutions others use and consider new ways for you to tackle problems. Start with your customer taking lessons from others.


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This story was produced with GLX Studio, a MediaMobz product. Visit the MediaMobz blog to learn how to produce and share your stories.

MediaMobz helps customers implement a content strategy that drives increased retention, reduces churn, and delivers meaningful customer journeys by offering a platform to build and sustain your content factory, one that makes content quality the focus of your processes, and drives engagement through content activation.


Today we’re going to share something that hopefully you’ll be able to take with you and consider as you go through your week.  We’re going to talk about problems.  

In Silicon Valley a lot of people focus on problems. The interesting thing is, over time problems have had different technology solutions to address these, but they were the same problems.  I learned this many times over as I helped build some of the most advanced factories on the globe. We took advanced technology to our customers who spent billions of dollars on their factories to improve their performance. They recognized there were several similar problems. People needed to figure out what new technologies, methods and tools would help improve the factory’s performance.  We did this over several generations of semiconductor technology with its implications in computing, IoT and a lot of other things.

Today I’ve shifted from building hardware and focusing on helping people with content factories. One asks what is a content factory?  Well, if you look at any organization the amount of content being created is enormous.  Just in the last couple of days there has been more content created than the history of the planet.  If you look at the fact that’s how we communicate, that’s how we engage in exchange, are there ways that I can take some of the lessons I learned from building technology factories and help people apply that to how they solve problems around communication and interaction and engagement?  

As you go around your week, think about those things that you’ve been able to identify as a problem. Consider how people apply solutions and recognize and embrace it.  A lot of people struggle with that because they’re used to doing it some other way – that’s a whole other conversation we’ll come to later.  Today we talked about problems and how you can look at these and consider other ways to solve them. I recommend that you start with your customer.

I want to share with you as we look at next week an outcome that came out of the CEO of Intel asking my company to build a 20-year vision – a lot of it gets into Web3.  Today we looked at solving problems. Next week we’ll look at creating a new North Star, a new vision, a new way of doing things that help really change the course of how we live and find a better way for us to live our lives and apply ourselves. 

Thank you for joining. Drop me a note (dave@outhink.com).  I’d love to hear from you, and I look forward to seeing you next week.  

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